271 million bottles shipped in 2024


Epernay, January 18, 2025 - Total Champagne shipments in 2024 account for 271.4 million bottles, down 9.2% from 2023.

In 2024, France is down by 7.2% on 2023 with 118.2 million bottles. The domestic market is still suffering from the prevailing gloomy political and economic context.

Exports are down 10.8% on 2023 with 153.2 million bottles. However, exports (56.4% of total sales) remain significantly higher than sales on the domestic market, confirming the reversal seen in recent years.

For Maxime Toubart, president of the Champagne Winegrowers and co-president of the Comité Champagne, ‘Champagne is a true barometer of consumer mood. And this is no time for celebration, with inflation, conflicts around the world, economic uncertainty and a political wait-and-see attitude in some of Champagne's biggest markets, such as France and the United States of America’.

For David Chatillon, president of the Champagne Houses and co-president of the Comité Champagne, ‘It's in less favourable times that we need to prepare for the future, to maintain our trajectory in terms of sustainable development and in terms of conquest of new markets and new consumers. Champagne is a solid, sustainable organisational model that has proved its value, even in the face of adversity, which gives it confidence in the future’.

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